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What Can You Do With a History Degree?

You've earned a degree in history... now what? Whether you've earned a Bachelor of Arts, or Bachelor of Science in history, many options are available. This degree can be utilized in many fields and positions, such as legal assistant, editor, consultant, campaign worker, public relations staffer, teacher, etc.

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After graduating from a college or university, there is no one clear track into which history majors are expected to enter to find employment. The diverse array of positions available for history majors can span fields and subjects. This degree can also be used as a building block for further education.

A large destination for many history majors after graduating from college is law school. While some people may think law school requires an undergraduate degree such as political science or criminal justice, law schools don't have a mandatory undergrad degree prerequisite. Some individuals may also choose to double major in education, or move on to a teaching program in order to become an educator. Social studies can be taught early in an academic career, while colleges and universities have many different options available for history instruction.

If further education isn't a considered arena, there are still plenty of jobs available that involve only a bachelor's degree. History majors are known to be able to read and write very well, and think crucially. These skills are valuable to businesses, as they allow for individuals to troubleshoot problems and deal with technical incidents.

Historians can also be very adept researchers. Many of these people work in museums and historical organizations, handling artifacts and deciphering their use and significance. These individuals usually have a centralized focus, or specialized familiarity in a particular area. Those who work more with management in the cultural process will be able to access local histories, government records, manuscripts, maps, newspapers, city directories, etc. to enhance the understanding of a particular structure, building, or site.

For those who are interested in exploring the business side available to historians, careers are open as archivists, record managers, international communicators, and record evaluators. Some historians may work on a contract basis for different companies, evaluating building sites or researching areas for mineral extraction. History businesses also exist. These firms will provide contract history services to different individuals or businesses. Some services may include preparing documents for a historical society, providing wording for museum items, or presenting litigation support.

Historians are typically very effective communicators. Many writers, editors, and journalists have history degrees, and can put their education towards relevant publications or broadcasts. Careers as producers of multimedia material (shows, movies, web sites, etc.) or documentary editors are also available.

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